Thursday, September 18, 2014


Really enjoyed my day off on Wednesday.  It started early and still left me with enough time in the afternoon to get a walk in.  And such a beautiful fall day it was too.  I hated the thoughts of waling around in a circle indoors. So I chose the Springhill Cemetery to burn off a couple of miles in.  Now for me, I love the cemetery, its history, monuments, the beautiful trees and plantings.  It really is a history less on you can walk through. Burials at Springhill date from the 1860 to the present day, so there is ample history available.

Looking at the row upon row of head stones made me think.  It made me think of all the things that these people left behind. Some these people would have been millionaires and some would have been destitute, as evidenced from the blank "Potter's Field". Just imagine how much property has trickled and filtered into the markets with the passing of these people. Real Estate, silver, jewelry, toys, farm equipment, clothing and much much more have all been left behind. Left behind for others to either sell, keep or dispose of. Nothing ever really goes away.

The flow blue meat platter for years held savory meat, until it developed that huge chip. Then it was in storage for a while, you know way back in the sideboard, and suddenly it was pulled out and was used to hold the geranium over the winter. It held that position for decades, until it was sent to the basement,            
for decades it slept there.  One day someone, who found its color appealing, hung it on the wall. It hung there until the tree fell against the house and sent it crashing to the floor to be transformed into dozens of blue and white pieces. Now it lies in a garbage dump... waiting to be uncovered by some future set of hands.  From clay it came and to the clay it returned.  It doesn't go away.  

I makes me think of a little saying / joke I use when I give a lecture on personal property.

Two men are walking away from the funeral of Malcolm Forbes, one gentleman looks at the other and asks, "I wonder how much money Malcolm really left?" The other man with out missing a beat says, "He left it all!"

 You know how true is that? No matter how much you save or spend, you give away or hoard, collect or trash... you will one day leave it behind.   That's why its so important for us to use an enjoy our property. Use it everyday, sell it or give it away, sleep on it or eat from it but not to stuff it back in closets or storage bins.  People often think, "Well, one day I'll use that." Well today should be that day.  Hold  back nothing for a tomorrow that might not come.

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